New British Triathlon Rule Book now published


British Triathlon is pleased to announce the new 2016 British Triathlon Rule Book has now been published and available for download.

From 1 January 2016, the 2016 Rule Book will come into power which you will be able to download as a PDF, in line with British Triathlon’s Environmental Policy.


Why have we made changes?

Triathlon has grown in popularity over the past three years and so the decision was taken to have an overhaul of competiton rules in order to keep up with the sport's developments. We want to enhance your race exerience and ensure you continue to have safe and enjoyable competiton.

So what's changed?

The good news is that not much has changed; alterations and additions relate largely to the Rule Book layout (which is now in line with that of the ITU). There are also a number of specific rule updates and penalty changes.

Who does this effect?

Put simply, anyone who takes part in a permitted event. All Home Nation permitted events adhere to the British Triathlon Competition Rules and are therefore an essential read for any newcomers to the sport who are taking up the triathlon challenge for the first time. It is also advisable that Event Organisers have a clear understanding of these rules.

Regular participants are also advised to download and review the rules, to ensure they are up to date with any changes.

Updated January 2016 - British Triathlon Rule Book

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