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Individual Activity

In England, groups of up to six people from different households may meet outside. Where it is possible to keep 2 metres apart you should. Where it is not, you should keep a social distance of  ‘one metre plus’, meaning you should remain one metre apart, while taking mitigations to reduce the risk of transmission.

You can travel to exercise and there is no limit on the distance that you may travel. You must however, only travel in a car with members of your immediate household, even if you are meeting another person to exercise with.

In Scotland, you can exercise on your own or with up to two other households per day outdoors, with up to a maximum of 8 people at any one time. Physical distancing of 2m should be adhered to at all times.

Unnecessary travel should be avoided, therefore you should only exercise in your local area. The advice is that you should remain within five miles of your home.                                                                                

In Wales, two households may meet together outside, so long as you all remain at least 2m apart.

Travel to exercise should be avoided unless there is a valid reason for doing so. The advice is that you should remain within five miles of your home.

Open water swimming is permitted, but you should take care and consider if this is appropriate. More information on this can be found here.

Information about how to train safely and effectively can be found here.

Please ensure that you take the necessary hygiene precautions at all times. Click here to find out more.

For more information please read our FAQs

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