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2016 Eastern Region Race Series


Calling all Event Organisers The 2015 season has not yet finished but we need to be planning for the 2016 Eastern Region Race Series

We hope once again to run a full series for both adults and children as well as championship events for the opportunity for head to head battles to be named regional champion. 

We are hoping to have teh following championship events:

We have the option of running a Cross league series, including cross duathlons and cross triathlons or a one off cross event; this is dependent on the number of cross races that express an interest (we need five different events for a league).  Or we could include a cross triathlon or two in the triathlon league or hold a one off Championship event.

The timetable for the process is given below, the first deadline is 31 October 2015 for confirmed expressions of interest.  

Please note: races wishing to feature in the race series must be registered with Triathlon England and published on their Events website by 31 October. They must also confirm that they will book a TE official for the race and provide results that include:-

  • Club name
  • Gender
  • Age Group (Under 20, 20 – 39 and 40 and over)
  • Names and, where you have them, the TE numbers of the participants (this is valuable data, especially when there are competitors with the same names.



By 31 October

  • Event organiser to register event with Triathlon England
  • Event organiser to register interest in participating in the Race Series (email richard@triathlonenglandeast.org)
  • Inclusion in League
  • Nominate as a championship event
  • For children’s event, nomination as  an IRC qualifier

It is okay to express an interest in your event being a league and championship event

15 November

  • Eastern Region committee to issue the draft series to race organisers

22 November

  • Final confirmation from race organisers that their event will feature and to state their registration opening date (if known). We do ask if we can be given at least two weeks notice of an event opening date, especially for children’s races so we can publicise accordingly.

29 November

  • Eastern Region publishes the Race Series for 2016


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