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2018 Children's League Presentation Event


As the regions young triathletes completed another tough competition the age group winners of the eastern region children’s league competition in 2018 celebrated their summer efforts by attending the end of year Bowling event and trophy celebrations.

The presentation event was held at Freeport bowling alley in Braintree, enabling the regions athletes to enjoy a sociable event in a relaxed atmosphere and reflect on their season’s achievements.

Awards were given out to the athletes who finished in the top three of their respective age groups. 

21 triathletes aged between 8 -16 year old attended the Social and award event hosted by Triathlon England East Region.

The league positions are calculated by competitors gaining as many points as possible from five of the regions events to provide an end of season point’s total in order to be crowned regional champion at the end of the season in September.

Age group Podium Finishes

Presentation photographs of the Podium finishes of the East Region leagues by age group classification:

  • Tristart - Under 9’s
  • Tristar T1 - Under 11’s
  • Tristar T2 - Under 13’s
  • Tristar T3 - Under 15’s
  • Youth - Under 17’s


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