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Adult League Final Positions - Confirmed


The final standings have now been calculated, and confirmed.

Congratulations to our East Region League prize winners of 2017.  They are as follows:

Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Super Vet League  Super Vet League  Super Vet League 
1st Female 2nd Female 3rd Female
Angela Wallis Linda Hones Elspeth Gutteridge
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Veteran League  Veteran League  Veteran League 
1st Female 2nd Female 3rd Female
Charlotte Smith Jani Campbell Alice Barnes
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Senior League  Senior League  Senior League 
1st Female 2nd Female 3rd Female
Laura Brown Emma Stevens Tylisha Preston
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Junior League  Junior League  Junior League 
1st Female 2nd Female 3rd Female
Sasha Vail Charlotte Gowers Kiera Tippett
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Super Vet League  Super Vet League  Super Vet League 
1st Male 2nd Male 3rd Male
Mark Wilsher Paul Stevens Gary Nichols
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Veteran League  Veteran League  Veteran League 
1st Male 2nd Male 3rd Male
Eugene Husband Paul Ruffy Angus Wilkinson
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Senior League  Senior League  Senior League 
1st Male 2nd Male 3rd Male
Christopher Price John Beardsworth Lee Shipp
Triathlon England East Triathlon England East Triathlon England East
Junior League  Junior League  Junior League 
1st Male 2nd Male 3rd Male
Peter Cooke Mael Bely Charlie Holt
Triathlon England East    
Club League Winners    


Prizes will be presented at the East Region AGM, 7:30pm Wednesday 18th October, Novotel Stansted.

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