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Congratulations to our newest Trimark Bronze Clubs


TriHarman, Hoddesdon and Meridian have all achieved Trimark Club Bronze Accreditation in the last month.


Since our August Newsletter three more clubs have achieved Trimark Club Bronze Accreditation:

Congratulations to all three of them.  They join PutteridgeTRISudbury and Harlow in being our regions currently accredited clubs.



Three more clubs have initiated the accreditation process:

They join InfinityBlackwaterTri-Anglia and Walden who have previously applied and are working towards their Trimark Club Bronze Accreditation.


Not yet applied?

If your club is not mentioned above, especially if it is a junior club, please encourage your club's officers to initiate your club's application.  

Clubs with juniors will need to be Trimark Bronze Accredited by the end of 2018 to affiliate for 2019.

For details on Trimark Club Accreditation click here 

If you have queries please contact your East Region Manager - roblines@britishtriathlon.org

Thanks to our Partners

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