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Date Change - Tri Sport Epping Aquathlon


The TSE children's Aquathlon, part of the league will now be held on 2 April 2016

Full details can be found here: http://www.triathlonengland.org/take-part/events/detail/Tri-Sport-Epping-Junior-Aquathlon_6694

2016 Childrens League

We have a very full 2016 Eastern Region Children's League and have been able to include nearly all the events that have expressed an interest to be included.

Once again, 5 best events to count where 4 must be a triathlons, the fifth can be a duathlon or an aquathlon.

The league will operate based on membership of an Eastern region club as per previous years.

League prizes will be presented at the Children's social and presention event at the end of the season.  In previous years this has been in association with a bowling afternoon.  Date and Venue at time or writing is yet to be confirmed.

Joining instructions http://www.trisportepping.co.uk/junior-aquathlon-race-instructions-2-april-2016/


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