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East Coaching Update


Congratulations to our 48 new coaches.

Over the winter of 2017-18 two Level 1 and one Level 2 coach courses have been hosted within the East region.

Congratulations to all 48 candidates who went through those courses who came from clubs both within and outside of our region.

A big thank you goes to the East Region committee whose 2017-18 funds have been used to provide bursaries to Beccles Tri Club, Stortford Tri Club, Tri-Anglia, Meridian Tri Club, TRI Sudbury, Infinity Tri Club, JBR Run & Tri Club, Hoddesdon Tri Club and Discovery Tri Club.

To help our growing community of triathlon coaches within the East region we now have a facebook group for them.  If you are one of our coaches and wish to join that group click here 

Thanks to our Partners

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