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East Regional Committee Vacancy


This is your opportunity to help support the sport you enjoy right here in the East!

Do you want to be involved in shaping the sport of triathlon? Looking for an opportunity to be part of a committee making a difference around the East? There are currently two vacancies in the East Regional Committee, with both the Welfare Officer and Diversity and Inclusion Officer roles open for applications. See our roles listed below full descriptions. Training can be provided if necessary. 

Welfare Officer Description

This is an advisory role for safeguarding and welfare within the region. If you are interested in helping out in this important voluntary role and giving back to the sport we would love to hear from you!

The role will involve:

  • Advising clubs and the region on the application of TE safeguarding policies and procedures;
  • To pass on information and advice from BTF on the wellbeing, safeguarding and protection of young people within the region and promote a child focused approach
  • Understand the TE safeguarding policies and procedures, following TE’s reporting procedure and flow chart and advise on the application of TE’s DBS guidance
  • Signposting those with roles and responsibilities for young people to appropriate safeguarding training opportunities
  • Attending and contributing to one committee meeting every 3 months and the annual AGM 
  • All expenses covered by the committee with prior approval.

Please note that the RWO will not take responsibility to handle safeguarding concerns directly.  They will take appropriate action on receipt of any concerns or referrals and liaise with British Triathlon Federation’s & Triathlon England’s Lead Safeguarding Officer to handle concerns if they arise.

Diversity and Inclusion Officer

The role will involve:

  • Liaising with Regional Event Organisers about the inclusion of Para Tri Events within existing races.
  • Produce clear guidance and support for Para Tri events.
  • Be the point of contact for athletes, coaches, volunteers and club officials with a disability to ensure they are as fully integrated into the club wherever possible.
  • Work with the club coaches to assess skills gaps regarding disability coaching knowledge and address these areas with courses and specialist coach visits.
  • Ensure the athletes are aware of the competition programme and pathway.
  • Be a voice for the disabled athletes, coaches, volunteers and officials at the Regional Committee.

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact the East Regional Committee.

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