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Go Tri Para Tri/Disability Novice Training Day


Eastern Region has organised a training day for new people wishing to try our sport who may have a disability or medical condition.

If you want to try and become a bit more active, regardless of your disability or medical condition, triathlon can be the sport for you.

British Triathlon are running some Novice Training Days post the Paralympics  specifically for people with a disability across the country. These will take place in accessible venues with friends and family welcome to join in.

Skills you will learn: 

  • Swim Technique
  • Bike Skills
  • Run Drills
  • Transition Practice 

Check out our GO TRI novice training days starting on the 22nd October. The East Region's will be held in St Albans at Westminster Lodge 12.30-4pm, Saturday 22nd October.

For more information and to book your place click HERE.

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