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GO TRI Without Boundaries Novice Training Day


The GO TRI Without Boundaries Novice Training Day took place on Saturday 22nd October at St Albans was a great success.

The training day was primarily aimed at people with disabilities and was run in partnership with Everyone Active, Westminster Lodge, St Albans. Of the 8 people that attended, disabilities ranged from amputee, wheelchair users, partially sighted, autisum and MS sufferers.

Bex Stubbings and Michelle Ashwell both British Triathlon coaches led the session ably assisted by 4 other East Regional coaches who came along to find out more about paratriathlon and gain expereince with dealing with paratri athletes.

The day seemed to go extremely well and we are hopeful that the paricipants enjoyed the run, bike, transistion and swim training which was offered.

We are hoping to run more days like these in the future and thank you to Everyone Active Westminster Lodge for the free use of their facilities.

Thank you also to coaches, Graeme Crowston, Rav Dighe, Paul Murray & Andrew Adeane who all came along to lend their support and develop their own skills.

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