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Local Technical Official's Course


Places are still available for the course in Chelmsford on 17 March


Clubs and Event Organisers – Train your own members or staff to become Technical Officials

Local Technical Officials Course (Previously referred to as a Level 1 referee)

Local Technical Official (LTO)

The process for achieving the LTO award is outlined in the LTO Qualification Process. Potential officials will be required to complete the application form (attached) and return it to the appropriate Regional Programme Manager to attend the course.  Once the knowledge tester has been successfully completed, candidates will receive an official's pack and will be required to complete four shadow experiences prior to being fully qualified, with already qualified officials confirming their suitability to qualify. The LTO course is a full day course and costs £15.


Local Technical Officials are qualified to be the chief official at pool based events and assist at open water based events.

17th March 2012 – all day (you will also be required to shadow an official at 4 races before qualifying, we will arrange this with you)


New Hall School,

The Avenue



Essex, CM3 3HS


£15 per candidate

Tutored by Jonathan Davies

To book your place please complete this_application_form and send a cheque payable to Triathlon England East Region to:

Carol Macdonald

Triathlon England

PO Box 25


Leics, LE11 3XW

Any questions please contact me using the details below.


Please pass onto interested members or post on your website.


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