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New Regional Manager (East)


We welcome to British Triathlon Rob Lines as our Regional Manager for the East of England.

Rob has twenty four year’s experience of project delivery gained from an IT background working across several business sectors. He also has thirty plus year’s experience in the sporting world as a competitor, club committee officer, club chairman, club president and event organiser. 

He started as a swimmer progressing through windsurfing, sailing and kayaking before taking to running, cycling, triathlon and quadrathlon.  Over the last decade Rob has been involved in event organisation, club organisation, coaching and the East Region Committee where at the AGM last October became regional Chairman.

Rob has stepped down from Chairman of the East Region due to becoming Regional Manager.  Jonathan Davies, former chairman and Regional Techical Coordinator, will chair the remaining regional committee meetings through to this years AGM in October.  Rob will still be attending the regional committee meetings though now in his role as Regional Manager.

Other duties of the Regional Manager are to do deliver within the region British Triathlon and Triathlon England’s 2017-2021 Operation Plan.  This plan has approval and funding from Sport England with the key aims being to:

  • Increase Participation – overseeing the delivery of more opportunities for people who have never previously taken part in triathlon to become active; including those that are currently inactive, contemplating phusical activity or moving on from their current sport. The principle delivery mechanism for this key strategic objective is GO TRI.
  • Improve Governance – improve triathlon’s ability to evidence that appropriate care is being taken by those delivering the sport.  For Club’s this is the introduction of the newly revamped club accreditation award, TriMark Club Accreditation.

Rob can be contacted via or 07834 542087

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