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Regional Academy Trials


The Regional Academy is part of the British Triathlon Talent Pathway aimed at identifying and developing the next Olympic Triathletes.

This year's Regional Academy Trial will take place on the Sunday 13th and Saturday 19th September at New Hall School, Chelmsford

The trial will comprise a swim trial followed by a run trial.  The swim is in an indoor pool and the run is on a tartan track.  Each is a solo, un-paced effort.  You may dive at the start of the swim.  You may wear spikes for the run.

The distances are determined by your age on the day of the trial:

-  age 16 or under :  200m swim, 1500m run. 

-  age 17 or older :  400m swim, 3000m run

You will have time to warm up and prepare for each trial as you wish. 
The trials are open to anyone eligible to represent GB.  However you must let our regional head coach, Tim Williams (tim@perfectcondition.ltd.uk) know in advance that you wish to come, and on which day.  I will confirm your time.

For further information about the Regional Academy programme please see http://www.triathlonengland.org/east/athletes/childrens-section/youth-and-junior-academy


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