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South Aquathlon - Bowood House Triathlon

Event Overview

New to the calendar in 2020 but taking place for the first time in 2021 due to Covid-19, is the introduction of aquathlon racing to support the development of swim, run skills. With two events taking place, one in Scotland and one in southern England, each will be worth the same points with athletes competing in one or the other depending on their region. 

The Aquathlon South leg will take place at the beautiful Bowood Estate, home to the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne. The swim will be in the fresh water private lake set in the lower part of Bowood Estate with a lapped run course in the grounds immediately adjacent to the water. 

Sunday 27 June will see 12 aquathlon waves set off. Youth B and Junior athletes will race together in three varying swim, run distance waves. Youth A athletes will race together over their own set of three varying swim, run distance waves.

Due to the competition for places at Super Series events, entry to race is via an application process. Any athlete who would like to race must register to apply for a place below by the specified closing date. Successful applicants will be allocated a start place and sent a code to enter via the event website by a specified time. Failure to do so will see the start place offered to another athlete on the wait list. 

Any Youth or Junior athlete wishing to race must attend the Performance Assessment weekend. Further information on the entry process for the Youth and Junior Super Series can be found here and on Performance Assessments here.

Event Information

Events and Distances

Race Distances
Youth A (15/16) S: 800m/R: 1km - S: 500m/R: 1.5km - S: 300m/R: 2km Register
Youth B (17) S: 800m/R: 1km - S: 500m/R: 1.5km - S: 300m/R: 2km Register
Junior (18/19) S: 800m/R: 1km - S: 500m/R: 1.5km - S: 300m/R: 2km Register

Event Location

Registered Athletes (Female)

Youth A (15/16)
Name Status
Youth B (17)
Name Status
Junior (18/19)
Name Status

Registered Athletes (Male)

Youth A (15/16)
Name Status
Youth B (17)
Name Status
Junior (18/19)
Name Status

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