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Important Notice for Clubs with Junior Triathletes


On 1 April 2017 Triathlon England launched TriMark Club Accreditation for all affiliated community triathlon clubs within England.  In its first year this has proved to be very successful with nearly 50 community clubs having taken up the first stage of accreditation – TriMark Club Bronze.  The TriMark Club Bronze award recognises a club as having completed the first step towards Sport England’s Clubmark. Club accreditation is set against a number of criteria covering Club Management, Duty of Care and Welfare, Activity Programme and Knowing Your Club and Community.

On an initial review of TriMark Club Bronze, it was clear the biggest hurdle for a club’s committee was in ensuring that coaches and welfare officer(s) working with young people were correctly DBS checked. The accreditation process highlighted the following:

  • Some coaches had not been DBS checked to work with young people.
  • In some cases, coaches were not Home Nation Members therefore possibly not insured.
  • Some coaches were found to be working outside of their qualification remit.
  • Single discipline coaches from other sports were not insured or DBS checked.
  • Some club welfare officers had not been DBS checked.

Note that once a DBS check has been completed the coach or welfare officer needs to send a copy to British Triathlon in order to be cleared to work with young people. In many cases this stage had not been completed.

As, the National Governing Body for triathlon, it is important to ensure the appropriate Duty of Care is maintained in all affiliated clubs that have junior triathletes.  Therefore, all clubs that have junior members, will have to complete TriMark Club Bronze before affiliating for the 2019 season.  This gives clubs a full 11 months to complete TriMark Club Bronze accreditation.

The TriMark Club Bronze is a simple process and is a step up from the information provided for club affiliation; details of club accreditation can be found here.  It would be advised to look at the FAQs on DBS before starting this process.  If you have any further questions then please contact your Regional Manager who will be more than happy to help you.

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