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Lisa Ballantine GO TRI story


We always love hearing about your GO TRI experiences from participant to event organiser. We love to share them with everyone.

Lisa, a triathlete turned event organiser, has helped organise many GO TRI events for those looking to dip their toes into the sport, including the YHA York event on September 29 2017.

 “I was a good sprinter back when I was at school and as the story goes, I dropped out in my teenage years because I became uninspired by my PE teacher.

“I came to hate PE because of it and felt like it wasn’t something that I wanted to continue with, however ironically, I later went on to become a PE teacher myself, determined to  to encourage my students and show them that PE could be fun and exciting.

“When I began triathlon, I joined York Triathlon Club, feeling completely out of my comfort zone. I am a mum and work full time, but training for a triathlon worked for me as I could fit it in when and where I had time. That’s what I love about it. There is no pressure to stick to a strict training regime and I could make it work for me.

“Not only did I continue to race and work and be a mum, I decided to start earning my coaching badges. I earned my Level 1 Triathlon Coach badge and moved careers. I then quickly followed it up with my Level 2, before becoming Head Coach and Event Director at my club.

 “I worked alongside YHA and ran a GO TRI event at YHA York back in September  where 16 people attended the event including radio broadcaster, Chris Marsden, who I supported since he signed up for the event. I even ran across the finish line with him and beamed with pride as all the participants crossed the line.

“I am hoping to hold more GO TRI events in the near future as I really enjoy helping people get into triathlon.

”I’ve enjoyed my time competing, but I get my real thrill out of hosting events and seeing people who have never competed in a multisport try something new.

“My advice for anyone looking at getting into triathlon is that no question at briefing is stupid. Enjoy it and do not worry about what kit you wear -participate in what you feel comfortable in. Enjoy it - triathlon is a family and we support each other throughout.’

Inspired by Lisa’s story and want to give TRI a go? Visit and find an activity or event near you.

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Want to take part in the next YHA York event? Visit here for more information.


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