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South West appoints new Chairman


The South West region held it’s annual AGM on October 21 2017 where new members of the committee were introduced, and a new Chairman appointed.

During the AGM, new Chairman Ashley Hutchinson introduced himself and explained what his plans are for the future of the South West region. First on his agenda was to open the lines of communication by consolidating all the region’s social media presence on to one Facebook page, which can be accessed here.

Secondly, it was announced that each committee member position will have a permanent e-mail address, which will be passed from member to member when they are elected in positions.

Ashley announced the date and location for the 2018 AGM, which will take place on Saturday 13 October at Bath University. He also welcomed new members to the South West committee for 2018.

New committee members

Chairman – Ashley Hutchinson

Vice Chair – Jane Wild

Treasurer – Rachel Hepworth

Communications Officer – Kathryn Blackie-Taylor

Officials Coordinator – Lorraine Ferris

Inclusivity Officer - Rachel Bown

Academy Coach - Andy Bullock

Skills School Lead - Juliet Paterson

Adult Series Coordinator - Roger Wakeling 

Junior Series Coordinator – Melanie Cumberland

To learn more about the new committee members, click here

The South West Region are still looking to fill the position of Secretary. If you would be interested in this role, please contact Jane Wild at for more information on the role.

To keep up to date with everything that is happening in the South West Region, follow us on Twitter and Facebook or visit the website.


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