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Technical Officials Courses


Is your club holding a permitted event in 2018? Do you have someone who wants to ensure the event is fair for all competitors? Why not consider becoming a Technical Official!

British Triathlon will be holding a number of Local Technical Official (LTO) courses in the new year, which will give volunteers the skills and knowledge needed to officiate at pool-based aquathlons and triathlons, as well as duathlons. The LTO course is the first step on the officiating pathway, which over time can lead to national major events and even beyond.

The full-day course costs £15, and will take place in a number of locations across England. You don’t have to be a member of Triathlon England, or have even done a triathlon before – most important is a desire to learn and help competitors enjoy their event safely and fairly.

We’re just in the process of confirming the dates and venues, which will be available on our website here, but in the meantime, more information about the LTO course and qualification can be found here. If you have any queries about becoming a Technical Official, please email

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