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Swim Bike Run Leader Award + Safeguarding - 22nd, 23rd & 30th November 2023

Course Details


Entry Closed

Course entries open 01/10/2023 12:00am and close 18/11/2023 12:00am

Course Information

The British Triathlon Swim Bike Run Leader Award is designed to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead guided swims, bike rides and runs for groups of beginners and intermediate level adults and children. The course follows a blended learning approach, comprising five self-led online learning modules of approximately 1 hour each and 2 x 2-hour online workshop facilitated by a tutor. 

Pre-requisites and Eligibility Criteria 

  • Minimum age of 14 years. 

  • Confident and competent in at least one discipline (open water swimming, cycling, running). 

  • Essential, core or ultimate membership.

What will I learn? 

The self-led online learning modules and online workshop will help you to understand: 

  • The requirements of the Award and the process. 

  • What will I learn? 

    The self-led online learning modules and online workshop will help you to understand: 

  • The requirements of the Award and the process. 

  • The role of the Swim Bike Run Leader. 

  • How to plan safe and effective activity. 

  • How to lead safe and effective activity. 

  • How to review and reflect on activity. 

  • Delivery Method 
  • Self-led online learning (5 modules). 

  • Tutor facilitated 2 x 2-hour online workshop.

  • Assessment 

    There is no formal assessment, but learners are expecte

In order to safeguard our sport and our people, all coaches and activators over the age of 18 MUST now attain and retain a safeguarding qualification suitable for the environment in which they lead and coach in our sport. 

British Triathlon considers the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk as central to its values. Everyone in triathlon has a responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. Everyone who participates in Triathlon is entitled to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment.

Course Overview

This workshop will raise your awareness of the tell-tale signs of abuse and give you the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively should the need ever arise in your coaching career.

The workshop will also help coaches recognise poor practice and the red flags of abuse, while also prompting a review of your coaching practice to ensure that you provide a positive and enriching experience for all children. Developed in partnership with the NSPCC and CPSU, includes scenarios giving you the opportunity to learn through discussion, exploring the consequences of those decisions in a safe and supportive environment, helping to increase your confidence.

The guidance and scenarios provided are designed to counteract the latest threats to emerge that could impact on the physical or mental health of children in modern Britain, including:

Vulnerable Children and Adults

Some children might be at greater risk of abuse than others (e.g. disabled children, children in care or talented young people in sport), while some adults are vulnerable and may be at a greater risk of abuse. We have worked with the CPSU to develop some scenarios that take into account additional vulnerabilities these groups may encounter and how we can ensure their voice is always heard in sport.


We have worked with the Police Prevent team to help develop guidance and scenarios that will help coaches understand the warning signs that a young person may be being radicalised. We have also included information on how anyone with concerns can contact the NSPCC anti-radicalisation hotline.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify and recognise good coaching practice and the implications for your coaching
  • Explore your values and feelings in relation to child abuse, and recognise their potential impact on your response
  • Recognise and respond to possible signs of child abuse
  • Take appropriate action if concerns about a child arise

Coaches and Activators must complete a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children course. This course and the UK Coaching’s Safeguarding Adults course require a three-year renewal.

Please ensure you read our Terms and Conditions for our cancellation policy which can be found here.

Please note that all courses will run under Government and British Triathlon Guidance.

Course Venue

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