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AGM Documents 2021


Please click on the links below to see each of the documents pertaining to the London Region Committee AGM to be held Thursday 21st October at 19:00 via Zoom

London Regional Committee Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday Oct 21st at 7pm over ZOOM, meeting Id 919 235 8200.


Minutes of 2020 AGM (download HERE)

Chair report (download HERE)

Treasurer report (download HERE)

Diversity Annual Review (download HERE)

Junior Report (download HERE)


AGM 2021 Resolutions (download HERE)

Proposed London Region Committee constitution (download HERE)

Committee roles for election and nominations
A list of Committee nominations can be downloaded HERE

If you are interested in standing for a committee role then please fill in the nomination form and send to

Agenda for AGM 2021

Notice is given that the London Regional Committee Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday Oct 21st at 7pm over ZOOM, meeting Id 919 235 8200.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Approval of minutes of the previous year’s AGM
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Chairperson's Report
  5. Treasurer's Report
  6. Resolutions
  7. Election of Officers 
  8. Closure of Meeting

Note that this virtual meeting will be recorded to assist with compiling both the minutes and the register of attendance.

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