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AGM Notice


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Triathlon England, Triathlon London Regional Committee will be on 16th October 2014 at the Institute of Sport Exercise and Health, (170 Tottenham Court Rd, London W1T 7HA) Room 60 to commence at 7pm.

As a Triathlon England member or a member of an affiliated London region triathlon club you are invited to the annual London Region AGM on 16th October 2014 at the Institute of Sport Exercise and Health, (170 Tottenham Court Rd, London W1T 7HA) Room 60, starting at 7pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

All posts on the committee are open for nominations.

The posts on the committee and the role descriptions can be downloaded HERE.  If you'd like to stand for election to the committee please download and complete the nomination form and return to the secretary (email is fine). 

More information on the London Region Committee can be found HERE 

If you have any questions please get in touch. It's your region and this is a chance to shape it's future.

Please find below the Agenda for the AGM and also the minutes from the 2013 AGM.


1. Welcome 
2. Apologies 
3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 22nd October 2013 
4. Matters Arising 
5. Chairman’s Report 
6. Finance Report (published on website)
7. Other Reports 
8. Election of Officers 
9. Resolutions, including adoption of a new constitution (published on website)
10. Any Other Business 
11. Guest Speaker – Mark Barfield, Triathlon England
Andrzej Warhaftig
At that meeting the draft minutes of the last Annual General Meeting - held on 22nd October 2013 will be proposed for approval. A copy of those draft minutes is shown below:
Draft Minutes of the AGM of Triathlon London 2013.
Date: 22nd October 2013 at 7pm. 
Venue: London South Bank University - Technopark, (Southwark Campus) 
Present: A Spelling (Chair), J Lunt (Hon President), S Newell, F Rosso, L Buchanan, J Buchanan, T Male, C Casarotti, T Chant, P Lambert, K Grainger, D Batchelor, A Elferink, B Hieatt-Smith, K Brasher, J Ruskin, J Winter, L Bonici, J Beckinsale, R Byles, I King, D Clyne, E Brocklesby, N Sanderson, C Skinner, G Lewis, L Chase, J Train, A Warhaftig, S Fairfax, J Petrides, P Taylor, S Horsman, J Kirkland, P Henwood, L Sutherland, R Yee.
Apologies for Absence: T Head,
Quorum: The Chair announced that the meeting was quorate.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting were considered, and were adopted as a true record of the business transacted.
Chairman’s Report:   Mr. Spelling thanked everyone for attending, and indicated how pleased he was with the number that had made the effort to be there. He advised that all the reports had been provided both electronically and in hard copy at the meeting. He went on to thank the members of the committee for their unstinting efforts since the last AGM.
Secretary’s Report: Circulated and provided in hard copy.
Treasurer’s Report:   Circulated and provided in hard copy. The accounts have been duly accepted by two members of the committee.
Proposed changes to the constitution –
i)  An extraordinary general meeting may also be called at the written request of 5% of the Triathlon England (London) members. Agreed Unanimously
ii)  All Triathlon England members with a London qualification and all members of triathlon clubs affiliated to the London Region, in both cases having attained the age of 18 years are eligible to vote at general meetings. Agreed Unanimously
iii)  Replace all references in the constitution to the job title Triathlon London Region Development Officer with (Triathlon London) Regional Manager     Agreed Unanimously
iv)  Electing the committee members at AGM or EGM to be conducted using ballot papers rather than a show of hands. Agreed Unanimously
v)  The quorum required for business to be agreed at Regional Committee meetings will be 50% of the Executive Board Officers of the Committee. Agreed Unanimously
Election of the committee for 2014 The voting results were as follows:
Chair:  Tom Chant (20 votes, John Petrides 16 votes)
Vice Chair:  Chris Skinner (19 votes, John Petrides 17 votes)
Technical Officer:  Alan Spelling (19 votes, Lynda Chase 17 votes)
Senior League Coordinator:    Rohan Byles (26 votes, Toby Head 10 votes)
The following were elected unopposed:
Treasurer: Ian King
Secretary: Andrzej Warhaftig
Junior Series Coordinator: Philip Taylor
Communication Office: James Ruskin
Partnership Officer: Claudio Casarotti
Website Administrator: Pierre Larrson
Para-tri Development Officer: Dave Clyne
The meeting concluded at 8pm.

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