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Clash of the Tritons: OPEN for entries


Greenwich Tritons have early bird prices available (until 17 April) for this VONCRANK London League event.

Hello lovely swim/bike/run people

The Clash of the Tritons Aquathlon early bird prices end on the 17 April (£20 for full,£18 for GO TRI), but don’t worry if you miss the early bird as entries will still be available at a reasonable price (£25 for full, £20 for GO TRI).
Sun is shining... Warmer weather has finally arrived and we really do suggest you go try out the lovely heated Charlton Lido for yourselves and maybe that will persuade you of just how lovely our race will be!
The Tritons need your help!
They are a small organising team and need all the help we can get from local clubs, residents and past entrants. Therefore, they have asked that even if you yourself are not interested in participating this year that you share the this notice across your social media platforms. Twitter @TritonsClash and Facebook @TritonsClash.

I know that Greenwich Tritons will be really appreciative, thank you so much for your help.
And for those of you who do fancy taking part...
A simple skip the faff entry link...
Clash Sprint 750m/5km HERE

For those that would like a shorter event then GO TRI the shorter event 
Clash GO TRI 250m/2km HERE

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