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Coaching CPD: Understanding Unconscious Bias 21 Oct 2020


We have teamed up with UK coaching to offer this insightful CPD opportunity for coaches.

This online classroom will help you understand bias, recognise we all have them, and more importantly challenge your reactions to them. 

This online session aims to raise awareness that we all have biases. It is part of being human and was an important element in protecting us back in the cave days. Today, however, as we have evolved, we should be able to recognise our biases, and therefore change our response to them. By doing this we will become more tolerant of, and welcoming to difference.

It will encourage you to become more conscious of your decisions so that you can start to consider what might be getting in the way of you engaging more people in your sessions. 

No matter what role you have in coaching (helper, assistant coach, head coach, coaching manager) this unmissable session will appeal to you and really get you thinking.

By becoming more conscious of the decisions you make and actions you take, you will be taking another important step on the path to becoming a truly great coach.

This session will help you:

  • notice examples of unconscious bias in others 
  • consider your own biases, and how these can distort your judgement about the people who come to your sessions
  • learn strategies to help you become more conscious of your biases so that you can reduce their influence
  • examine the common types of unconscious bias: affinity bias, confirmation bias and group think.

The course has been awarded 3 CPD points by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).


Places are limited so please act early to avoid disappointment.

For more information please contact Jon Train email:

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