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Congratulations! London Fields TC are TriMark Club Bronze !


London Fields TC are the latest club to achieve TriMark Club Bronze. Great work!

London Field TC join, Crystal Palace Triathletes, Ealing Triathletes, Havering Tri, Jetstream Tri Club, Optima Racing Team, Serpentine RC, South London Harriers, Westcroft Triathlon Club and Windrush Triathlon Club in meeting being awarded TriMark Club Bronze.

London Fields TC's chair, Francesco Mattia stressed that 'Being awarded TriMark Club Bronze is a great achievement for LFTC. It is testament to the hard work and dedication of our committee, coaches, volunteers and members and the club can look forward to a bright future.’

Jon Train (BTF Development Manager for London) commented "Since the formation of the club over a coffee at London Fields Lido some 7 or 8 years (?) ago the club has gone from strength to strength. The award of TriMark Club Bronze is a testament to the hard work and enthusiasm of all the club officials, coaches and members over the years - great work." 

TriMark Club Accreditation
A TriMark Club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all genders and ages, that want to be involved in the sport of triathlon. A TriMark Club has reached a level of accreditation that helps parents and carers identify the right club for their young people.

Triathlon England have worked with Sport England, under Club Matters, to develop the TriMark accrediation scheme for triathlon clubs  The scheme is for all community clubs, junior and senior, that have an established committee, a recognised constitution and has a membership offer open to everyone no matter what their background. Clubs with TriMark will have appropriate safeguarding measures in place; including a qualified welfare officer and DBS checked coaches and officials that are in regular contact with those under 18 in the club.

A TriMark Club will have achieved a number of set criteria in the following areas:

Club Management
Duty of Care and Welfare
Activity Programme
Knowing Your Club and Community

Since the launched of TriMark Club accrediation on 1 April 2017, 88 clubs nationally have been awarded TriMark Club Bronze and there are another 96 clubs with applications in progress. 

From 2019 all clubs with Juniors will need to have TriMark Club Bronze in order to affiliate with British Triathlon.

For more information on TriMark Club accreditaion please contact your regional manager. The regional manager for London is Jon Train email:

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