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Diversity in triathlon – have your say!


British Triathlon are committed to ensure that everyone in the community has equal opportunities to access and participate in triathlon and enjoy their experiences.

We are pleased that here in London there are participants from a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds and nationalities. However, unfortunately this diversity is not reflected across every area of the country.

In order to help shape British Triathlon’s future programmes we would value your input and so would like to invite triathletes (of all levels), coaches, Technical Officials, volunteers and anyone else involved in the sport from BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) backgrounds to join us for a consultation evening: 

•    Date: 11 July 2017 
•    Time: 7pm-9pm 
•    Where: YHA St Pancras, 79-81 Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2QE (a short walk from both Kings Cross St Pancras and Euston tube stations) 

During this consultation session we would like to hear more about your triathlon experience - things that have helped your involvement or been a barrier. We’d also love to hear your ideas on how we can help the sport to become more diverse.

If you are able to attend please email Jon Train ( so that we can suitably provide refreshments based on expected numbers. Alternatively, if you would like to have your say but cannot make this date do let us know as we may run more events.

Could you invite a friend currently not involved in triathlon?

We are also running a second consultation session for those who do not take part in the sport - if you have any friends or family who are not currently involved in triathlon and are from a BAME background it would be great if you could invite them along: 

•    Date: 15 July 2017 
•    Time: 2pm-4pm 
•    Where: YHA St Pancras, 79-81 Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2QE 

If those able to attend could notify Jon Train ( so that we can suitably provide refreshments based on expected numbers. 

Thanks to our Partners

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