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ESC D3 Triathletes announce 4th May events open for entries


D3 Triathlon have opened their Childrens and Adults Aquathlons for entries. The races are on Saturday 4th May from a sociable 5pm in the afternoon. They are great value at; adults £7 (£10 non TE members) and children £7 (£8 non TE members.)

ESC D3 Aquathlon is back this year and will be bigger then ever! With childrens and adults races.

The childrens races are a fun swim and run race for children of all abilities from eight to sixteen years of age. This is the perfect opportunity for any young sporting novices to have a try at their first multi sport event in a friendly environment. The distances are different for each age group and we hope that all competitors will have a great time earning themselves a medal.

Distances vary depending upon childs age on 31st December 2013.

Tristarts - 8 Years - 75m swim / 0.6km run
Tristar 1 - 9/10 Years - 125m swim / 1km run
Tristar 2 - 11/12 Years - 225m swim / 2km run
Tristar 3 - 13/14 Years - 300m swim / 3km run
YOUTH - 15/16 Years - 300m swim / 3km run

There are also two adults races:

Try It -  200m swim / 2km run
Challenge - 400m swim / 5km run

For more information and online entry check the D3 website

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