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Events February and March in London


The mince pie's have settled and now it's time to think about the 2020 season.

Here's a list of events in the region to help you kick start 2020 in local style. Hope to see you at an event soon.

If you love a duathlon then there are plenty to choose from and for those looking for an early tester a nice and early triathlon.

9 February 2020 VeloPark Winter Warmer Duathlon hosted by East London Triathletes
23 February 2020 GO TRI East London Duathlon
1 March 2020 GO TRI Chilly at Hampton Pool
8 March 2020 VeloPark March Madness hosted by Westcroft TC
21 March 2020 GO TRI THE RIAK Fitness Urban Duathlon
29 March 2020 GO TRI East London Duathlon
29 March 2020 Hillingdon Spring Family Duathlon


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