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Events in April and May in London


The season is fast approaching and will be in full swing in a couple of weeks. Here's a listing of local events to get booked!

After months putting in the miles, well they were in the training plan,) it's time to rumble. Check out this listing of events in the London region.



Date EVENT (click on to get more information)
13-Apr-20 Hampton Pool Super Triathlon
14-Apr-20 GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
19-Apr-20 The Mad Hatters Duathlon (LONDON LEAGUE)
20-Apr-20 Hillingdon Duathlon Race 1
26-Apr-20 Flight Centre Schools Triathlon - Royal Russell
26-Apr-20 GO TRI Hillingdon Grassman
26-Apr-20 Middlesex Duathlon
28-Apr-20 GO TRI Velo Park Duathlon
03-May-20 VeloPark Longest Day Children's Duathlon hosted by London Fields TC
07-May-20 Hillingdon Duathlon Race 2
08-May-20 Ealing Aquathlon (for Adults and those 15 years and older)
08-May-20 Ealing Children's Triathlon
08-May-20 Thames Turbo Sprint Series Race 1
10-May-20 Hatch End - Harrow Triathlon (Adults and Children)
12-May-20 GO TRI VeloPark Duathlon
17-May-20 Crystal Palace Triathlon
17-May-20 Hillingdon Triathlon Series Race 1
21-May-20 Hillingdon Aquathlon Race 1
24-May-20 The Fix Splash #1 (Hackney)
25-May-20 Hampton Pool Sprint Triathlon
27-May-20 SLSC 2020 Summer Aquathlon series: Race 1
30-May-20 The Total Motion Aquathlon


Good Luck !  See you at an event soon.


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