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From a volunteer at the London Youth Games to triathlon official


Back in 2011 Bisi volunteered at the London Youth Games Aquathlon now she's a Technical Official and Triathlon coach.


What’s your involvement in triathlon? 
My first involvement in triathlon was as a volunteer official at the London Youth Games in 2011. I then moved into coaching and specialised in coaching novice juniors. I have completed two aquathlons and 1 duathlon

Favourite Discipline of Triathlon; Swim, Bike or Run? (Why?) 
Fav Discipline is Run as this is my strongest discipline. I learnt to swim and cycle as an adult and I still have a way to go before I tackle a triathlon or a duathlon on open roads.

Why did you want to do triathlon? 
This is on my bucket list and would demonstrate overcoming my fears 

How did your journey into triathlon start? 
My triathlon journey started by being offered the opportunity to become an official.  I was still in the early stages of transitioning from being made redundant to embarking on a new career in sports and fitness

Being involved in triathlon has been both life-changing and rewarding.

What motivated you? 
My determination to make a success of my new career

What is your best moment in triathlon? 
Completing Havering Aquathlon and finishing second in my age group having previously had a DNF as my swimming was not strong enough and I was not able to swim 400m

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of giving triathlon a go? 
Visit British Triathlon website and look for a GO TRI event and/or a local club

Any other comments or thoughts?
Being involved in triathlon has been both life-changing and rewarding. Go on give a triathlon a try!!!


If you've got a story to tell please get in touch with Jon Train email

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