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GO TRI in London in August


GO TRI events are a fun easy way to access the sport for the first time. The London region has a growing calendar of GO TRI events to choose from.

Why not join in swim, cycle or run sessions and take part in your first event locally. The events are at a reasonable cost and distances suited to you. 
Event Date
GO TRI Shepperton aquathlon (Shepperton Lake) 27th July
GO TRI Velopark duathlon  (Olympic Park, Stratford) 4th August
GO TRI Barking & Dagenham duathlon (Jim Peters Stadium) 13th August
GO TRI Croydon duathlon (Croydon Arena) 17th August
GO TRI Velopark duathlon (Olympic Park, Stratford) 18th Auguat

For more information on GO TRI check out HERE



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