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GO TRI Triathlon Training Day for Beginners


This one day training session covers all you'll need to know for your first triathlon.

Triathlon Training Day for Beginners

Are you doing your first triathlon this year?

Do you have little or no experience in open water?

Do you know what to expect on the day?

Want to know how transition works?  

Need some advice on what training do you need to do?

GoTri and Tri50 ( ) are running a fully coached training day for novice triathletes, led by an experienced L3 female coach, to answer all your questions and to prepare you for your first, or next, event.

•    60mins fully coached OW swim to build confidence and technique (wetsuit hire available but own suit recommended if you need to get one anyway for your event)
•    Classroom sessions:  kit, training guide, sports nutrition & hydration and Q&A
•    Outside session:  transition training for T1 (swim-to-bike) & T2 (bike-to-run) plus basic bike & run technique and skills
•    Mini ‘put it all together’ event

Date:  Saturday 9th June 2018   

Time: 8.30am – 4pm        

Cost: £50

Venue:     Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood, HA6 2AT

Book online HERE

If you have any questions please contact :

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