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I didn't fancy doing a marathon so I did a triathlon instead.


Audrey was looking for a fundraising challenge, found triathlon and hasn't looked back.

STOP  PRESS: Since we inteveiwed Audrey for this profile, she has been named as London Region's 2017 Children's Coach of the year! Congratulations Audrey. 


Name: Audrey Livingston

What’s your involvement in triathlon? 

I started off as a novice competitor doing my 1st triathlon in 2006 and I am now a level 3 triathlon coach working with juniors and adults from novices to age groupers and everything in between. I am also a Regional Technical Officer and can be found at local events ensuring competitors are safe when racing. I also volunteer on Triathlon England - London Region Committee as the coach coordinator finding relevant workshops / CPD opportunities for coaches in the London Region

Favourite Discipline of Triathlon?  

I dont really have a favourite as I am not brilliant at any of them.  I love coaching run and swim as you can see the results more or less immediately and I like to see triathletes doing more Strength and Conditioning during their sessions and I add them to 1-2-1 training plans.

Why did you want to do triathlon? 

After qualifying as a personal trainer I wanted to to something big to raise money for charity and most people seemed to focus on marathons, (which I did not fancy doing,) so on a recommendation I decided to do a triathlon. My initial thoughts were I can swim, I know how to ride a bike and anyone can run so how hard can it be doing all three together!!!

How did your journey into triathlon start?  

A friend recommended doing the Crystal Palace Triathlon as it was in a pool and closed roads (ie in the park) so i joined the club that ran the event.  Also the club and the event were on my doorstep and their training sessions were easy to get to.

I can swim, I know how to ride a bike and anyone can run so how hard can it be.........

What motivated you? 

Apart from wanting to raise money for charity I found that the club, it's members and coaches were encouraging and friendly and they had a great social side.

What is your best moment in triathlon?

There are many 1. Getting a write up in "The Independent" and a mention in a triathlon book "triathlon made easy"; 2. Being awarded London Region Children's Coach of the Year; 3. Completing a middle distance triathlon (not necessarily in that order)

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of giving triathlon a go?  

Give it a go and enjoy yourself, its full of great people (I have made a great many new friends)



If you've got a story to tell please get in touch with Jon Train email

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