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London "Junior" series goes from strength to strength


The 2015 London Junior Series promises to be biggest ever, with 10 events over the season.

Over the season the London Junior Series has grown to include 10 events. The events in the series are a well balanced programme of 4 triathlons, 4 aquathlons and 2 duathlons. The Series rankings are based on cumulative points from the 4 highest scoring events for each individual.
The response to the 2015 programme has been fantastic. The entries have been flooding in, (with 2 already full,) and the series looks sure to exceed the 600 participants in the series in 2014. Given the response so far, the series co-ordinator (Jim Desmond,) is confident that the 2015 series will be the best ever.
All the events in the 2015 Junior Series have opened, with 2 already full and another couple looking likely to close in the near future. The message is that if you want to get a place in any particular race then you need to act soon or you may face disappointment.
For more details on the series and how to enter check the link HERE
If you need more information or have any questions then please contact Junior Coordinator Jim Desmond

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