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London Fields TC and Indoor Challenge on Saturday 18 April


On Saturday 18th April, some of the LFTC members will be cycling as far they can individually in the 12-for-12 challenge. That's 12 hours on turbo trainers (no outdoor cycling allowed unless it's static!) which is one hour for every hour of a standard shift for an NHS worker.

If you check the London Fields TC events page HERE - you can get detailed overview of the challenge and also how you can show your support.

From the clubs event page....

LFTC 12-for-12 Challenge
April 18th at 07:00 - 19:00

On Saturday 18th April, we’re looking to raise as much money as possible for PPE for our frontline workers by completing a 12-hour cycling challenge – that’s one hour for every hour of a standard NHS shift.

What exactly does this mean?
We will be cycling as far as we can individually in 12 hours on a turbo trainer (no outdoor cycling allowed unless! it’s static) #stayathome

It’ll definitely be a challenge but we want to do our bit to help those who are risking their lives on the frontline and… do we have anything better to do?

Beginning Saturday 18th April at 07.00 and ending at 19.00 that same day.

Can I watch or ride along for part of the challenge?
Yes! We’d love to see as many of you as possible. We’ll be hosting a Zoom for the length of the challenge (meeting details on thre LFTC page HERE), and if you want to pop in and ride on Zwift with us, we’d love to see you on there. 


You can make a donation at the just giving page at the link:

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