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London Fields TC: Junior Training sessions (8-15 years)


London Fields TC are very happy to announce the start of a new block of Junior sessions starting Saturday 14th May!

The sessions will be for Juniors, aged between 8 and 15 years old and aimed at developing young triathletes.


The training wil start at 15.00 with a 1 hour swim session at London Fields Lido followed by either a 45 minute run (in London Fields) or Static bike session inside the lido (bikes provided)


The training programme will take the form of a 5 week block, costing £15.00


The club aims to run these training sessions throughout the Summer with a view to race at our club Junior Aquathlons 28th August and 2nd October. 


The session will be divided into ability groups but is aimed at developing front crawl and fitness. Please note that swimmers need to be able to swim at least 50m comfortably.


Please bring trainers and clothes for the run/bike session.


To sign up for the sessions please click HERE


If you have any questions, please contact Amanda HERE 


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