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London League: Round 2 Results Round-up


The weather and league action is hotting up. The Kingfisher Aquathon was a great event with some exceptional performances.

There was another strong showing by Clapham Chasers, leading the mob match and second in all the team events. Also a great showing by South London Harriers
Crystal Palace also turned up with a strong performance, winning the mixed team event, with Ealing on the podium just behind Clapham.
The number of total teams participating has grown, with 30 showing their early hands. A big welcome to The Met Police and South London Harriers who enter into the team results for the first time.
A full listing of the team results are available HERE
We congratulate the organisers, Kingfisher Triathletes for their professionalism of a well-run event.Great stuff. 
If you have any comments or questions on the London League please contact Alan via:

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