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London League 2018: Round 10 London Fields TC Aquathlon


London Fields Triathlon Club hosted the finale to the 2018 London League on 16 September.

The London League raced for the last time in 2018 as Sunday saw just under 70 competitors heading to East London for the 10th and final race in the series, the London Fields Aquathlon.  Those up for the 8:00am start were rewarded with dry and mild conditions at London Fields Lido for the 400m swim and 5km 5-lap run around London Fields Park.
In the individual competitions, overall honours in the Women's race went to Jessica Thorpe in 28:58, followed by Deborah Lowi (Serpentine) in second and Sophie Kirk (Ful-on Tri) in third.  In the Men's race, honours went to Euan Lees (Ful-on Tri) in 25:25, a few seconds ahead of Tom Blanshard (Clapham Chasers) in second and Matthew Stevens (London Fields) in third  (all results provisional subject to final confirmation).

In the Team events Ful-on Tri swept the board taking 1st place in the Men's, Women's, Mixed and Mob match competitions, crucially claiming the last 100pts available for the overall standings.

Final shout out of the year to London Fields for putting on a great race at a great venue.  

With the 2018 London League finished for the year, it can mean only one thing, prizes!! So make sure you are at the awards presentation in 3 weeks on October 7th at Doggett's Coat and Badge. Details HERE

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