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London League latest action and results


Round Seven of the Triathlon London Yellow Jersey Cycle Insurance Senior League saw some spectacular racing at the Windrush Aquathlon

Alex Yee takes the win at Windrush Aquathlon
Crystal Palace Triathletes and Clapham Chasers RC turned up in force. Not far behind were Windrush Tri Club and Serpentine RC. The menís team event could not have been closer with one point in it.
Crystal Palace Triathletes just edging it over Clapham Chasers RC.  A massive turnout from the women at Clapham Chasers RC saw them comfortably win the ladies event with Serpentine RC putting in great performances to finish second.
Clapham Chasers RC took the combined team prize with a very high score. They also took the first place in the mob match followed by Crystal Palace Triathletes, Serpentine RC and Windrush Tri CLub all with really good turn outs.  
Laura Addis, Race Director at Windrush Tri Club got in touch with us to say: "I would like mention  the stunning performances from Alex Yee from Crystal Palace Triathelte who smashed the 2012 course record by 2 mins 16 seconds! Also the ladies winner Sarah Swaney from the Clapham Chasers RC also broke the ladies record from last year by 9 seconds. Huge congratulations to them."
Team League results HERE with the Age Group results to follow shortly.    
For the event results please visit the link to Windrush TC webpage HERE

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