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London League Round 2 Results


Last Sunday 27th April saw Round 2 of London League 2014 take place with the Ful-On duathlon at the Top Gear test track.

Although the weather was not kind to us, it did not stop the action on the track. Well done to Emma Wiliams and the team for managing to keep everyone safe in the adverse conditions and still put on a great race!
After the Kingfisher duathlon last weekend, it seemed as though Crystal Palace were going to walk away with all the accolades once again, however the other London clubs have responded across all competitions, setting up a very interesting season ahead!
The team standings and individual age group rankings can be found here:
LL2014 is the first year that the region has recognised Age Group competiton, see how you compare in your age group. 
The results from the events cand be found at the link below: 
If you see any problems with the info or the way it is displayed, please contact Rohan (Senior League Co-ordinator) ASAP.

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