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London Region: Treasurer needed


The London Region Committee is looking for a treasurer.

After two years in the position the regions treasurer, Martin Shipp has taken the decision to step down. The committee would like to thank Martin for his outstanding work and his contribution to the committee over the years.

As a result the committee is now looking for a new treasurer. If you are interested in applying, please read the role description below.

The Treasurer shall:
•  keep proper records of the London region’s financial transactions in accordance with current accepted accounting rules and practices;
•  liaise with British Triathlon/Sport England on regional funding provided by them and report back to British Triathlon on regional funding spend;
•  develop and implement control procedures to minimise the risk of financial exposure, such procedures to be reviewed annually by the Committee;
•  ensure that bills are paid and monies banked in accordance with these procedures;
•  prepare an annual budget for the London region and regularly inform the Committee of progress against that budget;
•  make all records, procedures and accounts available on request to the Committee;
•  draw up annual accounts to April each year, these accounts to be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman;
•  present annual accounts to the London region's members at the Annual General Meeting.

For more information and  to express your interest please contact Alan Spelling.

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