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London Region AGM Agenda: Nominations


Just a reminder that the London region AGM is on 22nd October. The deadline for nominations has been extended to 9am Monday 21st October. We look forward to seeing you there.

Nominations for the committee must be submitted before the General Meeting.  To allow any late nominations to be processed and posted to the website the deadline will be extended to 
9 a.m. on Monday 21st October 2013. Any nominations for committee posts should therefore be sent to London Secretary  without delay.  Each nomination needs to be proposed and seconded by an eligible member and include date of birth, club and a 200 word(max) pen portrait.  A nomination for coaching officer would be welcomed as the incumbent is not seeking re-election and no other nominations have been received.
More information on the AGM and committee can be found  HERE
1. Officers reports for the 2013 season
2. Financial report for year to 31st March 2013
3. Proposed changes to the constitution – to debate and if considered appropriate adopt the following (a simple majority is required to adopt a change)
i)  the ability to call an extraordinary general meeting currently an EGM can be called by the committee or forced by the dissolution of the committee by the Triathlon England Executive Board (triggering the election of a new committee) proposed additional clause. An extraordinary general meeting may also be called at the written request of 5% of the Triathlon England (London) members.
ii) to replace the existing clause “All Triathlon England members and members of registered triathlon clubs in London have the right to vote at the AGM”.  With the clause “All Triathlon England members with a London qualification and all members of triathlon clubs affiliated to the London Region, in both cases having attained the age of 18 years are eligible to vote at general meetings. If adopted this would mean those not old enough to enter an Ironman event would not be eligible to vote.  
n.b. Actual age on the date of the meeting, not TE/BTF race agegroup.
iii) replace all references in the constitution (including all appendices) to the job title  “Triathlon London Region Development Officer”  with “Triathlon London Region Program Manager”
iv) to allow the members at a general meeting to indicate (with a show of hands) a preference for the election of candidates for the committee to be conducted using ballot papers rather than a show of hands.
4. Election of the committee for 2014 
The following nominations have been received so far and a poll will be conducted at the meeting where there is more than one candidate for a roll. Subject to resolution 3(iv) above being adopted ballot papers will be distributed to eligible members  No proxy votes are allowed under the constitution.   Candidates may cast a vote for themselves.
Steve Newell (Secretary) 14th October 2013    

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