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London Region Awards 2nd Nov – PARA-TRI Categories


The London Region of Triathlon England has their annual awards evening on 2nd November. We are pleased to announce that will be including for the first time Para-triathlon as a category.

Can you please circulate to your club members and on your websites to seek nominations.
Amongst the prizes to be awarded that night, we shall for the first time be recognising efforts and achievements of para-triathletes. There shall be three prizes to be awarded, each one having a male and female winner (so six in total).
Click HERE for an outline of the awards the criteria and selection process.
How are nominations submitted?
Persons or clubs wishing to nominate an athlete should email the London Triathlon Region Para-Tri Rep by 4th October with commentary encompassing the following, (where applicable):
1. Name of athlete
2. Age of athlete (as at 31DEC13)
3. Club
4. Description of disability (can include cognitive issues)
5. Nominated by – name
6. Nominated by – how the nominee knows the athlete
7. Events participated in - events don’t have to have taken place within the London Region
8. A brief description on how or if the individual pushes the boundaries of their own ability (mentally and physically) and the circumstances this occurred in
9. Any other supporting information
• We are not necessarily looking for the fasted athlete, the one that shows the best potential, or the one that has succeeded extremely well when considering their disability
• Additionally, the athlete need NOT have completed all three disciplines (swim, bike and run). For example they may have done only swim and run if biking is not possible. There does though need to be a link with triathlon please
• We are looking for an all-rounder where by awarding them this recognition will not only will inspire them to do more of the sport, but show their friends, family and colleagues around them that their efforts are recognised
• Additionally, should nominees wish to note and submit as part of their submission how the athlete’s carers or buddy contributes to getting the athlete to the start line, we will consider this information as we are aware that many disabled athletes cannot do this on their own
Should you have any questions, please contact Dave Clyne  Para Tri Rep

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