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London Region Volunteer Award winners 2018


The London region gathered in October to celebrate the commitment, enthusiasm and expertise of volunteers that make triathlon buzz.

Each and every training session, club social, or kit request not to mention all the events that happen, rely on a huge number of volunteers to make it all happen.

The regional awards are held each year to publically celebrate this and a say a massuve THANK-YOU to those volunteers. Each year Triathlon England go out to the clubs and triathlon networks and ask for nominations for the awards. The heros listed below were nominated by YOU the triathletes in the region. If you know of someone who you think should be recognised for all the time and energy they give your club or event please nominate them for an award next year.


Childrens Coach of the Year Michael Holden
Childrens Event of the Year London Fields Longest Day Duathlon
Club of the Year Windrush Tri Club
Club Event of the Year Windrush Aquathlon
GO TRI Organiser of the Year Capital Tri
Participation Coach of the Year Jo Lewis
Technical Official of the Year Lara Bonici
Volunteer of the Year Simon Olney
Young Volunteer of the Year Michael Eagling 
London lifetime achievement award John Lunt


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