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London Success at the National Awards!


It was the Triathlon England National Awards today (9th November) and there were some great results from London triathletes and clubs!

It was a great day for London at the Triathlon England Awards on the 9th November.


We had awards in three categories - Children's Event, Club of the Year and Participation Coach. 

Category Place Winner
Children's Event 2nd Ealing
Club of the Year 2nd London Fields
Participation Coach 3rd

Richard Emmett


It is really great to see London performing well on a national level. Well done all!

And don't forget, it's the London Regional Awards tomorrow! Everyone is welcome, details below!

Sun, November 10, 2019
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Doggett's Pub, 1 Blackfriars Bridge, London. SE1 9UD

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