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Meet Kamlesh, the accidental triathlete


When looking for a challenge Kamlesh discovered the joys of triathlon.

Name: Kamlesh Parmar

What’s your involvement in triathlon ?
I participate for fun in middle distances.


Favourite Discipline of Triathlon; Swim, Bike or Run? (Why?)
Love hate relationship with all 3 ! Love cycling, but it takes time to get out of London. It is highly sociable activity where you can chat with friends and admire the countryside.
Love swimming but the lakes are cold in winter. Swimming can be relaxing and it's great when you want a gentle work out. Learning all 3 lets you swap according to your mood, where you are or the weather.

Why did you want to do triathlon ?
I got into it by accident. Its really good fun and sociable alternative to the pub. Of course I still got to the pub :-)


How did your journey into triathlon start ?
Friends and I found the sport on the internet and signed up as a challenge. We just kept doing more of them with increased distances.


What motivates you ?
The desire to keep fit and shake off an unhealthy life style.


What is your best moment in triathlon ?
The incredible emotional feeling that you get crossing the finishing line. Love the medals too as I have a big collection at home.


What advice would you give to anyone thinking of giving triathlon a go ?
Go for it. Everyone starts some where. Stick at it and it's a bit like life where there can be some down points. The satisfaction of crossing the line is worth the sweat. You will feel really good healthy and make new friends. I know it sounds like a cliche but the lessons learned on the journey will help in all areas of your life



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