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Message from London League co-ordinator


The Senior London League is in full swing with four events done and some fantastic events in the wings.

Next on the list, another quality event  -  the Clash of the Tritons on 7th June. Don’t miss out on a great event organised by friendly, experienced and very nice people at Greenwich Tritons.  
Next is Jetstream Triathlon on 14th June but that has sold out as has Windrush TC (senior event) but there are places  up for grabs at Capital Tri  Aquathlon  event on 6th September , London Fields Aqua event on 2nd October. Last but by no means least in the series is Serpentine RCs very popular Jekyll and Hyde Duathlon on 30th October.
Don’t delay – take the plunge if it’s a swim of course or if not get the moth balls out of those trainers and good luck. 
Alan Spelling (contact via )

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