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National Volunteer Week applauds Amanda Wilmer


To celebrate the great work done by volunteers in Triathlon we caught up with London's 2016 Childrens Coach of the Year - Amanda Wilmer.

National Volunteer Week 1st-7th June
Recognising volunteering in Triathlon

Name: Amanda Wilmer

Volunteer Role: Junior Coach & Secretary @ London Field Triathlon Club / Adult Coach @ LFTC / Club Camp organizer

Region: London

Favourite Discipline of Triathlon; Swim, Bike or Run? Run

Favourite Food? Sweet potato with peanut butter

Favourite Holiday Destination? Anywhere l can take my bike!

How long have you been volunteering in Triathlon?
I’ve always been involved in different ways. This year was my 6th year of organising our annual camp which initially started off with 15 people and is now closer to 50!
I’ve been a Level 2 coach since 2013 and after a few false starts l’ve been working on the development of our youth section and how we give Juniors in East and North the ability to train for triathlon.

What does your volunteering role entail?
It’s a pretty varied, the club camps involve sourcing the best locations and accommodation for 50 people on a triathlon holiday with very different abilities. Organising the camps (with a great support team) planning the week and then making sure everyone is having an amazing time.
For the Juniors, a lot of time trying to organise sessions & venues, coaching the sessions with Rob Popper and thinking how we can continue to grow!

What is most rewarding from your volunteer role?
So many things!
On club camp, it’s seeing everyone together, cycling routes that they never thought possible and really taking themselves to another level. The camaraderie on camp is always amazing and life long friends are made.
For the Juniors it’s just seeing them every week get more and more confident. Really embracing the London series events and having fun.

What is your motivation to volunteer in Triathlon?
Athletics was a huge part of my life as teenager and into my twenties. My family were all involved in the club and in athletics there’s really no money. So it’s all about volunteering. Triathlon is a great sport and has helped me enrich my life in so many ways so l think it’s important to give back.

As a volunteer in triathlon, what have you been most pleased with/greatest success?
I think the development of the Junior section of the club. It’s definitely been the most challenging to establish but now we have kids that are frequently training, supporting each other and wearing club kit.

How could a volunteer make a difference to the sport of Triathlon?
From marshaling at a race to coaching at someone’s first swim session those interactions are so important. It’s easy to get hooked on the material aspects of triathlon but really it’s all about the people.

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