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Notice of Annual General Meeting, London Region: 17 October


It's that time of year again when YOU can stand for election onto the London Region Committee. This is your chance to help to shape and steer the future of Triathlon in London.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Triathlon England, Triathlon London Regional Committee will be 17th October 2017 at the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby St, London EC1N 8TS, to commence at 7pm.

1.    Welcome 
2.    Apologies 
3.    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 6th October 2016 
4.    Matters Arising 
5.    Chairman’s Report 
6.    Finance Report (published on website)
7.    Other Reports 
8.    Resolutions
9.    Election of Officers 
10.    Any Other Business 


Nomination for committee positions

We would like to encourage members to join us on the Committee. We are a friendly group, with a true passion for the sport and will always benefit from hearing new views on the development of our sport. Each role on the committee is for a term of one year with re-election annually. Some people only want to take on a position for one year, others longer, but this is only possible if the position they are standing for isn’t contested at the AGM. Anyone who is interested in standing for a position is welcome to contact any of the committee who will happily explain more about how the committee works.

All nominations for committee positions are to be returned using the attached form: HERE
These are to be received no later than seven days prior to the AGM, being 19:00 10th October 2017, and must be proposed and seconded by two Triathlon London committee members in good standing.

Existing committee members who have served in their position for less than the maximum term of office can indicate their willingness to remain in their position, which they should do so to the secretary no later than seven days prior to the AGM (being 19:00 10th October 2017). They do not need to be nominated, or provide an election address (however, they should be aware that other members may seek their position).

All proposed resolutions and any technical questions to be received no later than seven days prior to the AGM, being 19:00 10th October 2017.

In addition, a revised constitution is to be put forward to the members for approval at the AGM, and will be discussed, and voted upon, alongside any other resolutions. A draft containing the proposed amendments is attached HERE
Any proposed comments or technical questions in relation to this draft are to be received no later than seven days prior to the AGM, being 19:00 10th October 2017.

Joe Wilson

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