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Notice of Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Triathlon England, Triathlon London Regional Committee will be 13th October 2015 at the Institute of Sport Exercise and Health, Seminar Room to commence at 7pm.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Triathlon England, Triathlon London Regional Committee will be 13th October 2015 at the Institute of Sport Exercise and Health, Seminar Room to commence at 7pm.

1. Welcome 
2. Apologies 
3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16th October 2014 
4. Matters Arising 
5. Chairman’s Report 
6. Finance Report (published on website)
7. Other Reports 
8. Election of Officers 
9. Resolutions, 
10. Any Other Business 
11. Guest Speaker – Jack Buckner, CEO British Triathlon Federation
Nomination for committee positions
All nominations for committee positions are to be returned using the form HERE
These are to be received no later than seven days prior to the AGM, being 6th October 2015, and must be proposed and seconded by two Triathlon London committee members in good standing.
Existing committee members who have served in their position for less than three years can indicate their willingness to remain in their position, which they should do so to the secretary no later than seven days prior to the AGM. They do not need to be nominated, or provide an election address (however, they should be aware that other members may seek their position).
At that meeting the draft minutes of the last Annual General Meeting - held on 16th October 2014 will be proposed for approval. A copy of those draft minutes is shown below:
Draft Minutes of the AGM of Triathlon London 2014.
Date: 16th October 2014 at 7pm. 
Venue: Institute of Sport Exercise and Health, 170 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7HA. 
Present: J Lunt (Hon President), T Chant  (Chair), S Newell, P Lambert, K Grainger, A Elferink, L Bonici, J Beckinsale, I King, D Clyne, E Brocklesby, L Chase, J Train, A Warhaftig, P Taylor, S Horsman, P Henwood, E Day, C Meek, C Newton, J Winter, D Kelby, P Collins, M Billyard, J Desmond, S Macrowan, T Donaldson, C Skinner, T Smithson, B James, N Sevant, S Merritt, C Merritt, P Roker, L Rashi, S Dowling, P Hughes, J Bowden, L Edwards, M La Pergola, L Rankin.
1. Welcome:
J Lunt welcomed all and handed over to T Chant (TC) who declared the meeting quorate.
2. Apologies for Absence:
S Kidson, R Byles, A Spelling, N Sanderson, A Livingston.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting were considered, and were adopted as a true record of the meeting.
4. Matters Arising:  
5. Chairman’s Report:
TC thanked all the committee and regional volunteers for their support and efforts during the last year. He then noted some of the work and efforts that had been carried out, including updating the constitution and the roles documents; he mentioned the work on the website and in communication; the club chairs conference had been a success and would be repeated on the 25th November, together with the Race Organisers conference.
6. Finance Report:  
Provided on the website. I King reported that the region remained solvent, albeit following a small loss of £2k in the last year.
7. Other Reports:
TC on behalf of A Livingstone reported that courses had been successfully organised with 47 level 1 attendees and 45 level 2. Further courses would be provided as required.
TC on behalf of A Spelling advised that there had been 45 races, with 38 completed, all with officials present, and all reports had been submitted. A level 1 course had been provided with 8 attendees.
P Taylor indicated that he had been Junior Coordinator for 4 years, and in the last year the junior series run by Jim Desmond, who also placed the results to the website and junior website, had growth of 55%. However only 16% of London regional clubs have juniors compared with the top region of 44%. In the IRCs the region had improved 2 places to 7th.
J Beckinsale explained the gold, silver and bronze standard for the academy selection. The most recent selection day was the 13th September, the next, targeting the bronze athletes will be in the New Year. He gave details of the athletes successes and results, mentioning Alex Yee who was 2nd in the Youth Boys, and has set the fasted 5k time for an under 17 in the UK this year. Further details from his report has been uploaded to the website.
D Clyne advised that he is now the para tri coordinator for 3 regions. He mentioned the South East aquathlon and suggested that in a triathlon if a disabled competitor could manage 2 stages, they could be assisted as a relay in the third.
TC on behalf of R Byles who had looked to improve the communications between the clubs. Had worked on age group changes. He will attend the club chair and race organiser conference.
J Train provided a presentation, uploaded to the website. He was particularly pleased with the events at the Velo Park, which have attracted 890 entrants and 590 starts. 12 host clubs have delivered 11 summer duathlons, and have 11 winter events arranged. These races now have support from outside the region – and Hoddesden were sending 30 entrants to the next race. The races offer entries at £10 for TE members, against £20 for non members.
C Skinner reported on his first year, and how he had supported TC, and was leading on the annual awards. He urged all to attend, as there would be food, a bar and music.
8. Election of Officers:
J Lunt took over, thanked the committee for their hard work, and how pleased he was with the turnout. He commented that London had always been a strong region and encompassed first class events with the London Triathlon, the London Duathlon and Hyde Park. He urged those present not to take this for granted in the future.
He then announced the following appointments, and said that the region had previously been strong with women in posts, and hoped that this would remain the case in future.
Chair:   Tom Chant
Vice Chair: Chris Skinner
ROC:   Peter Lambert
Senior League Coordinator:     Alan Spelling
Treasurer: Ian King
Secretary: Andrzej Warhaftig
Coaching Coordinator: Audrey Livingston
Junior Series Coordinator: Jim Desmond
Media Officer: Toby Smithson
Partnership Officer: Claudio Casarotti
Para-tri Development Officer: Dave Clyne
9. Resolutions:
All the resolutions submitted were approved.
Resolution 1 - Adopt the new constitution in accordance with the draft on the website.
Resolution 2 - Adopt the new committee structure in accordance with the draft on the website.
Resolution 3 - The position of President be considered an "honorary" one, and not be time bound.
10. Any other business:
No further business.
11. Guest Speaker,
Mark Barfield TE: Provided a presentation, uploaded to the website, followed by a Q &A session.

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